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Getting to Know You

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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Boy Scout » Mar 19, 2013 3:57 pm

Brady TIH Narnia wrote:#1: Brady TIH Narnia. TIH, by the way is for "This Is Home" my favorite song by Switchfoot that just happens to be in my FAVORITE movie Prince Caspain! Brady is my real nickname, but only by my BFF cuz she and i are that NFL (American football) obsessed. And by that, of course i mean "awesome"! ;)
#2: Queen! (of Weird Insanity)
#3: Only-ish child, live with parents (ish means if dogs count)
#4: Full-time College Student!
#5: oh goodness, i do believe i was looking up the release date of PC!
#6: ripe young age of 8!
#7: Lost count after 9 B-)
#8: SC, The Horse and His Boy, and LWW
#9: Just Dance 4, concocting awesome/insane/fun plans (such as stealing friends for the weekend;), listening to music, spending time with my family, hosting Marvel's The Avengers line quoting contests with friends, and baking! All in those rare moments when im not doing homework! =)) Been part of NarniaWeb for a few years now, but barely had time to check it out...shocking! I know... :-o

Without further ado, HELLO YA'ALL!!! :ymhug:

Welcome to NW! Always great to find an NFL fan, but the Pack is coming out on top this year :D
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Jane Bennet » Apr 01, 2013 12:24 am

1. Name (please avoid your real full name): Jane. :)
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen.
3. Family (single/married/kids): I... am single, if we're talking about being married. But I do have a boyfriend.
4. Occupation: Well... I don't think I want to list my real job, since this is the internet, after all. So I'll just say "big sister" since that is a full-time occupation as well. ;))
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: Google. That infinite source of all knowledge. ;))
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: I was a little girl. Probably about 6 years old. Although it's very hard to remember exactly, since it was so long ago.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: I have read them exactly four times. :)
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: Oh... my. How hard, haha. Um... Maybe the first book? And by first, I mean LWW. :) It was the first one I read, so I suppose it has a lot of sentimental value.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I like fashion. And tea. And being there for people. :)
Jane Bennet

Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Poison Ivy » Apr 01, 2013 11:24 am

1. Name: Ivy will do.
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): Single, with children. I have my babies to watch after, you know! And my poor orphans to boot!
4. Occupation: Defender of the weak and innocent
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: I just walked here.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: Young enough to be Human.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Several times.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: Magician's Nephew! It cares for my babies!
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I love my babies, and will defend them to my last breath. I can make anything grow and can make anything beautiful. I can feed an entire city, but no one will treasure my babies enough to let me do that, except the batman. My only true friends are Harley and Catwoman, but even they have turned on me. I trust the Black Canary, because she loves my babies, too.
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Harry Potter » Apr 01, 2013 12:26 pm

1. Name: Harry Potter
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): King
3. Family (single/married/kids): Single.. both my parents are dead. My convict uncle is dead. I live at a boarding school most of the year and sadly have to spend my summer with my aunt, uncle, and stupid cousin. I don't exactly want to consider them family, but they are so...
4. Occupation: 6th year student and trying to save the world.
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: It seemed to be a nice place to go on holiday, honestly.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: I never read them, sorry. I've never really had a chance to read muggle literature.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Never.
8. Favourite of the Chronicles: None.. sorry.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: My parents were killed when I was a year old. I live with my terrible aunt, uncle, and cousin. On the good side though, I go to a brilliant boarding school and have some close friends there. I love my pet owl, Hedwig, Quidditch, Ginny Weasley.. right, anyways... I also end up saving people a lot. :)
Harry Potter

Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Miss Martian » Apr 01, 2013 1:34 pm

1. Name: You can call me Miss Martian or Miss M. I'll also answer to Megan, which is my human name.
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen (but that makes me sound so old). Princess, then. What little girl doesn't dream of that? ;)
3. Family (single/married/kids): Single. But I have an uncle, the Martian Manhunter, at the Watchtower.
4. Occupation: Like Miss Ivy said above, I try to be a defender of the innocent. I'm still new to Earth and some think I still need more training.
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: From my uncle.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: Sorry, I haven't read them. My familiarity with Earth literature is still limited.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Zero. Nada. Zip.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: Voyage of the Dawn Treader sounds like a fun story - maybe the voyage is to Mars?
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: My uncle helped me come to this world and introduced me to other members of the Justice League and Junior Justice League. They are good friends and colleagues on our missions. Like most Martians I can shapeshift, move things with thought, and have telepathy. I love flying and am glad to help my teammates protect the innocent.
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Clara Oswald » Apr 02, 2013 3:01 pm

1. Name (please avoid your real full name): Clara
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): Single
4. Occupation: The Doctor's Traveling Companion
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: The Doctor and I were talking, Narnia came up, and he told me about Narniaweb. Apparently he's a massive Narnia fan.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: I honestly can't remember. . .
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: I'm only now reading The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. The Doctor just introduced me to the books, recently.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: The Magician's Nephew, so far.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I'm great with computers, and I love making souffle's. :) Oh, and I can run pretty fast when my life depends on it, but I s'pose that just comes with the job.
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby AslanFan83 » Apr 02, 2013 6:34 pm

1. Name (please avoid your real full name): Raye
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): Engaged (to the love of my life)
4. Occupation: Fanfic Author
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: Just browsing Narnia forums on Google
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: I was in junior high school but I don't remember how old I was back than.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Several times.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: The Magician's Nephew, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I love dragonflies, unicorns, dolphins. I really enjoy to sing and dance.
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby fantasia » Apr 04, 2013 4:39 am

Welcome AslanFan83! :D We're very happy to have you here.
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Boy Scout » Apr 21, 2013 2:35 pm

Welcome to all the new member's I've missed! And AslanFan83, VDT is my favorite to!
Packers=13 time Wrold Champs!

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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby UltimateSchweetWarrior » May 08, 2013 4:15 pm

1. Name: UltimateSchweetWarrior (that isn't my real name, of course. Just my username) :p

2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen

3. Family (single/married/kids): I'm teenager, so of course I'm not married. I have five brothers, a mom, and a dad. No sisters. :(

4. Occupation: Uh...does sister count? Sometimes I babysit for my mom's friend. It's fun and I get paid! :D

5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: My oldest brother has had an account on here for...uh...I don't know how long, but that's how I learned about it.

6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: Uh...I totally forget. I have a pretty good memory, but I can hardly ever remember when something happened and how old I was when it happened.

7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Once, and that was technically my oldest brother (you know what? I'm tired of saying 'my oldest brother', so I'll just say Dinode since that's his username on here) reading them to me. I started reading them to myself once, but I didn't like reading things to myself then. Now I do, so maybe I should try reading them again...

8. Favorite of the Chronicles: The Silver Chair. It has been my favorite since I first read it and it has remained that way. :)

9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I really like reading, writing, singing, drawing, ballet, listening to music, and thinking. I also like spending time with my friends and brothers, but sometimes the only things my brothers want to do are things I don't want to do. I also really like coming up with jokes that people actually think are funny, but sometimes something sounds funny when I think of it and not when I say it. I also really like playing Sonic the Hedgehog games and Metroid games...and other video games. I also like crocheting (sometimes), going shopping, playing in sprinklers, and many other things. :)
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby johobbit » May 08, 2013 4:55 pm

Hi UltimateSchweetWarrior: what a fun username! Ahhh, your brother is Dinode, fantastic. It's great when siblings join! If I had to chose a favourite Chronicle—and that's mighty hard—it would be The Silver Chair, but I usually just say my favourite is whichever one I am reading at the time. ;)) I also have come to really appreciate The Horse and His Boy more as an adult. It somehow didn't strike me so much as a child.

Anyway, welcome, WELCOME to NarniaWeb to you, as well as to AslanFan83. And AF83, congratulations on your engagement! :D

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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby fantasia » May 09, 2013 8:48 am

Hey UltimateSchweetWarrior! :) I have to ask, were you with your brothers the day starkat, daughter of the King, and I hooked up with them in Houston to go to Johnson Space Center? I think I recall there being one girl there amidst a bunch of guys, but my memory is going in my old age so I wasn't sure. ;))
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby DiGoRyKiRkE » May 09, 2013 8:51 am

Fantasia wrote: but my memory is going in my old age so I wasn't sure.

Oh yes. . . . . . so old. You'll be using a walker in a few years, right?

Schweet (do you mind if we call you that?) it's great to have you here!
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby UltimateSchweetWarrior » May 09, 2013 1:49 pm

fantasia_kitty wrote: I have to ask, were you with your brothers the day starkat, daughter of the King, and I hooked up with them in Houston to go to Johnson Space Center?

Yes, I was there.
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby The Lady Susan » May 17, 2013 5:57 am

1. Name (please avoid your real full name): The Lady Susan
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): Single
4. Occupation: Daughter and Sister
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: My sister and I were searching to find out if they were going to make another movie after VDT. Found there were no plans right now. :( But I did find NarniaWeb! :)
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: Umm... I do not remember! I think I was between 6 and 8. I know I read them by 8.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Probably at least a dozen times probably more!
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: I'm not sure which is my favorite anymore. I'll stick by my childhood favorite though... Prince Caspian
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I love ... Writing (I write book reports for fun :) ), reading, watching movies (Narnia is of course a favorite), raising rabbits, history, and chatting with my Mom and sister early into the next morning.

I'm very excited to join NarniaWeb!
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby johobbit » May 17, 2013 8:17 am

And we are excited to have you join and be a part of NarniaWeb, Lady Susan! Welcome, indeed. :D Feel free to explore around and ask any questions, if need be. :)
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