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Camping- it's in tents!

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Re: Camping

Postby Puddleglum » May 03, 2014 6:59 pm

Just got back from a day camp with the Scouts. Unfortunatly the full weekend didn't work, but I think it went well.
the Weblos were attentive to at least most of what I was trying to show them, and one of the fathers made a point of telling me he would try them out.
Turns out that some of the Scouts were willing to spend at least tonight, but of course I had already cancelled the loan of the tent from my friend So I came home. suppose all for the best since this way I don't take all of the boys time, and the scoutmaster can work with them on other matters.
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Re: Camping

Postby stargazer » May 19, 2014 12:08 pm

The "unofficial beginning of summer" in the US is upon us with the upcoming Memorial Day weekend, and I'll be camping with friends to start the season. Right now the weather looks reasonably good, with just a chance of thunderstorms. All this rain means the mosquitoes might be horrendous this summer; we'll just have to wait and see.

We'll be camping near the St. Croix River, which forms this part of the border between Minnesota and Wisconsin. The park is less than 2 hours away, which means we can spend more time outdoors and less in the car. :)
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Re: Camping

Postby Puddleglum » May 22, 2014 7:47 pm

Hope you have an enjoyable weekend camping stargazer.
was out with some folks for an informal rendezvous. Had the tents out, and was actually looking over one to possibly buy, unfortunatly it didn't pan out. Ah well. I'll just keep looking /:)
Mosquitos were not out in force yet, only one dared to try my blood. The ticks on the other hand were out in full force. We were picking them off left, and right.
Otherwise we could not ask for a better weekend. A little windy, which played around with the straw hat I've been breaking in, but the temps were upper 60'sF. It did get a little chilly on Friday night, and I am glad I thought to bring the cold weather sleeping bag.
The next encampment is in August for Clearwater Heritage Days. I will hope to find a tent by then. Just keeping my ear to the ground as they say. Just have to make sure to get up, and wipe off the dirt once, in awhile.
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Re: Camping

Postby stargazer » May 26, 2014 1:27 pm

My experience was the opposite of yours, Puddleglum, in that I only encountered one tick (on my tent when I was taking it down) but about 10 trillion mosquitoes. ;))

Saturday was one of those glorious days when camping is at its best. Clear skies - especially at night, when we were treated to an ISS pass and the Milky Way above our campfire - with pleasant temperature and humidity, and relatively few bugs.

On a hike we encountered a very excited couple who told us they'd seen a poisonous snake - none are native here - and we wondered what it was. They'd even shot a video but it was hard to tell what kind of snake it was. We encouraged them to report it to the park naturalist. Don't know if they did or not.

By Sunday the pollen allergies kicked in, along with more heat and humidity and mosquitoes. But the pollen will be over soon, I hope.
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Re: Camping

Postby Puddleglum » May 26, 2014 7:06 pm

sad to hear about you having pollen allergies stargazer. With this late season weather it's been strange for everything.
The Mrs. and I hope to be hitting the south shore of Superior this summer. Been along the north shore so often we know almost every rock by name.
I hope the weather stays cool enough for camping, but we are both getting to the age, and temperment, that if the heats to much it's time for air conditioning. Yes, I know, it's tantamount to treason for seasoned campers to say, but reality sinks in after awhile.
otherwise my excursions will have to hold off til the next encampment in Clearwater for their annual Heritage Days in August.
Any further plans for yourself?
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Re: Camping

Postby IloveFauns » May 27, 2014 1:29 am

Some how I managed to survive four Queensland summers(up to 43 C but usually hangs around 38C) with no air con and another 5 in south-west Western Australia(Which still gets hot but not as humid). I never went camping in such weather however. In fact I have only ever been to school camps.
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Re: Camping

Postby stargazer » Jun 09, 2014 5:20 pm

I've never been to a school camp, IlF, though I know some people who enjoyed them.

(I can't imagine living in the kind of heat you've lived through - though I've been exposed to it for short periods. That's one thing about living around gets hot but in the long run winter is going to win ;)) )

I have another camping trip coming up this weekend, with quite a large group of friends (including NarniaWebber Ryadian and her family). Friday looks very nice, weather-wise, with storms possible over the weekend. I really hope the pollen continues to wind down. Now if we could just do something about the mosquitoes...
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Re: Camping

Postby IloveFauns » Jun 09, 2014 10:49 pm

I am Tasmanian(just saying if they decide to form there own country with a better government than ours, I am in)(generally the summers are not too hot, but rather nice, I only have one memory of it being too hot to go outside), when I moved to Queensland however, the summers were long and the winters very short. So since I have become more tolerable of heat.

The thought of mosquitoes makes me think of those wetland activities I had to take part in during lower highschool. Absolutely hated it. Not only was a bitten by mosquitoes every time, I ruined a good pair of shoes(they never told us which days we would be heading to the wetlands), fell into a lake, and my friend nearly got attacked by a strange cat. The worst thing was other than me and my friends, everyone else enjoyed it. So they hated it when we complained. Now you see why I don't go camping.
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Re: Camping

Postby stargazer » Jun 16, 2014 5:16 pm

That's quite the experience IlF! I'm not sure I'd like camping either if I'd had things like that happen.

Our group camped this past weekend, as I mentioned before. Friday was a top 10 weather day, and we enjoyed a nice evening fire and saw the International Space Station pass overhead after dark. But severe storms were in the forecast for the weekend.

The campground was already soggy from all the rain we've had this spring, and more rain began falling shortly after midnight. It continued into Saturday morning, making for lots of standing water in the campsites.

Weather radar indicated another big line of storms approaching, so we packed up and left around lunch time. By Saturday evening, we were treated to a spectacular lightning show and more torrential rain. Glad I wasn't in a tent then!

The rain continued into Sunday but by afternoon the clouds were breaking up.

We're talking about another trip later this summer or possibly in September. Maybe things will dry out by then. ;))
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Re: Camping

Postby IloveFauns » Jun 16, 2014 6:23 pm

Hopefully it does dry out, because I know I would hate being stuck in a tent in a storm. I hate being stuck out in the rain purely because I wear glasses and when they fog up I can't see a thing. Taking them off only helps slightly since I am more than just a little short sighted.
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Re: Camping

Postby Puddleglum » Jun 16, 2014 7:33 pm

IlF. I hope that experiance won't deter you from venturing into the great out-of-doors for a little camping of your own. Would be a pity.
As I mention on the weather thread stargazer, too bad about having to cut out early because of weather. Been there.
The Mrs. and I are still planning a get away along the South Shore of Superior. I hope we can manage at least a few nights of camping. We have been "scouting' places with the help of this gadget I'm using right now. With luck we should have some fair weather.
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Re: Camping

Postby Puddleglum » Jul 20, 2014 8:08 pm

Gearing up for the next two weekends.
Setting out with one of the younger siblings for some camping, and fishing at one of the state parks here in Minnesota. the lake is known for good sized fish, (and almost as big mosquitos).
I plan on bringing some store bought supplies should the fishing turn poor, and some spray should we start running low on plasma.
The following weekend is a historical rendezvous that is for Clearwater Heritage Days. The hope is we have plenty of interest this year, and good enough weather for the public to show up. Several of the regulars will be there, the blacksmith, (always popular with the kids), as well as someone showing blackpowder shooting. One couple will be making corn bread from scratch, from grinding to cooking. I will be demonstrating cordage, and rope making again. Maybe I can keep from tying my fingers in knots.
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Re: Camping

Postby stargazer » Jul 21, 2014 12:37 pm

The past few decades I generally don't camp in high summer, due to the bugs, heat, and humidity, preferring to do so either before or after the heat comes.

But I still like to get out for day trips, for hiking, campfires, cookouts, and what stargazing I can get in (which itself is limited by the late sunsets of summer).

Last week I went to a nearby state park for such a trip. It was very pleasant except for needing a blood transfusion when I got home. ;))

Our next camping trip is planned for Labor Day weekend at the beginning of September; hopefully the bugs and heat will calm down by then.
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Re: Camping

Postby Puddleglum » Jul 27, 2014 8:04 pm

I hear you stargazer. I would say I feel your pain, but it's more of an itch right now X(
Many were the little flying tormentors this weekend, and after awhile they seemed only to mock me as I applied the "repellant".
But other than the almost manditory discomforts my younger sibling, and I trudged on, determined to make the most of the weekend.
We began with the study in Ichthyology, ( fishing ). After an uneventful attempt at a nearby river, with nary a nibble, we soothed our pride with a warm meal, and a quick session on tactics. ( We choose another spot ).
Upon entering the new setting we came upon much more attentive subjects. But as fate would have it, trouble soon brewed on the horizon, ( storms came rumbling in ). Being forced to shore, ( forgot to mention we were in a boat ) we docked, and beat a hasty retreat to the vehicle as moisture soon fell in great amounts. this was soon followed by penny, and some quarter sized hail.
We were the fortunate ones in that several boaters were caught too far from shore, and soon arrived after it moved on, still rumbling very noisily. Some of the poor folks displayed their battlescars with nature, but thankfully no serious injuries need be reported. #:-s
We did return to the field, or lake, for further study on our subject, and met with some success. One Pike proved a glutton, as it was hauled in with a belly already well distended from an earlier meal. Another much smaller, after fallowing the lure to the boat, actually leaped from the water after it. If only a camcorder were handy.
But one of the highlights of the trip was watching a meteor shower. More on that on adventures in stargazing.
Another was the climbing of a retired DNR firetower to see the surrounding counrtyside. There is just no better way make any negatives from a trip go away than to take in God's Creation.
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Re: Camping

Postby stargazer » Aug 28, 2014 6:46 pm

Sounds like quite a trip, Puddleglum. Glad you got to see some spectacular sights in the sky.

I mentioned in the weather thread that my tent must be a rain magnet. We had torrential rains during our last trip in June (that group will give it another try in mid-September), and despite July and August being abnormally dry, rain is forecast for this upcoming Labor Day weekend, when we plan to camp about 2.5 hours northwest of here. But Saturday looks nice, at least for a while, and with luck we'll see some stars that night before the clouds move in.
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Re: Camping

Postby Puddleglum » Sep 11, 2014 6:42 pm

Even with frost advisory for tonight I am still determined to prepare for the last Rendezvous of the year. I have a little over a week to get everything ready.
There should be some good from the cold in that there might be fewer hornets about. We had about a half dozen folks stung last year.
The encampment will be at the Nowthen Threshing show grounds east of Elk River. So if you have any young folks, or young at heart, all are welcome.
One rule though. All pets, and unruly youngsters must be on a leash.
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