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Kids will be Kids

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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby coracle » Feb 17, 2014 11:23 am

johobbit wrote: when Geoff was a young toddler, he had trouble figuring out how a certain time term was pronounced. One day I asked him how long he thought it would be until Daddy arrived home. He emphatically stated "about a nour" because that's the way it sounded to him when we said it.

I have some funny memories from teaching young children some years ago; one is being asked during story writing time how to write "smorning". The child would explain that they could write "the" and now wanted to write "smorning" to follow it.
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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby Ryadian » Feb 17, 2014 4:09 pm

stargazer wrote:Our group often camps together, and has done so since the kids were little. This girl was a year or two old and must have had a nightmare, for she woke up screaming. She had quite a loud voice - and the thin material of a tent offered little resistance to her volume - so I think everyone in the campground could hear her reply when her parents tried to calm her down and get her to go back to sleep: "I don't wanna be quiet! I don't wanna go to sleep!"

It took a very long time - which seemd even longer at the time - to calm her down. But the story still comes up from time to time, especially when little ones have trouble sleeping while camping.

(I happen to know this girl. ;) ) Ahh, this is one of my favorite stories. Mainly because it's one of the ones that goes around our families that isn't about something I did. :P

Well, I don't have any kids of my own, but I do have a 15-month old nephew who gets cuter every day. :D He's a very friendly little guy, and very smiley--though for the past few weeks, not quite as much, as he's teething and going through growth spurts right now. :-/ He's been walking for a few months now, and has passed into the phase of opening every cupboard/drawer he can reach, as well as pulling books/DVDs off the shelves. :P One of my favorite things to do with him (which he just loves) is flipping him upside-down; his dad does this to him all the time, and it's actually how his mom gets him to show his teeth for the doctor! :P

Unfortunately, one thing I can't really do with him yet is read books. :P I've tried it, but he'd much rather be playing with toys on the floor. One time, I managed to get him in my lap and started reading one of my mom's favorite children's books... and as soon as my mom got out the camera, he didn't care about the book any more! No sir, he was too busy smiling for the camera. :P (I think my sister has taught him too well what that object is. ;) ) Maybe when he starts talking.... :D
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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby fantasia » Feb 17, 2014 4:38 pm

Rya wrote:Unfortunately, one thing I can't really do with him yet is read books.
Evan is kind of the same way. ;)) But I've found two books that he likes quite a bit. The first is 'Bears in the Night' by Stan and Jan Berenstain, read by me. ;)) The second is 'Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?' by Dr. Seuss, read by my mom. He'll grin through both of those. Pretty much every other book he wiggles until he gets away. ;))
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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby IloveFauns » Feb 17, 2014 6:45 pm

(I happen to know this girl. ;) ) Ahh, this is one of my favorite stories. Mainly because it's one of the ones that goes around our families that isn't about something I did.

There is a very over-used story about me in my family. It was brought up so much that I have banned people from doing so because I was so sick of it.

I saw my mum throw the neigbours scones in the bin(my mum didn't like eating them because the women had cats and everything all over the kitchen). One day the women was over and I asked mum why she had thrown the scones out(I hadn't seen her kitchen or did notice the mess since I was 5). Mum made up they had gone stale or something.

It isn't even a very good story(maybe the first time but not the 1000th) and my brother gets just as annoyed when they bring up this over-used story about him). My younger brother and sister have much more interesting stories because they haven't been over-used.
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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby shastastwin » Feb 24, 2014 2:30 pm

fantasia_kitty wrote:
Rya wrote:Unfortunately, one thing I can't really do with him yet is read books.
Evan is kind of the same way. ;)) But I've found two books that he likes quite a bit. The first is 'Bears in the Night' by Stan and Jan Berenstain, read by me. ;)) The second is 'Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?' by Dr. Seuss, read by my mom. He'll grin through both of those. Pretty much every other book he wiggles until he gets away. ;))

Bears in the Night was my favorite book when I was that small and a few years older. Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? was one of Kingskid's favorites. ;)) I'd say Evan has good taste. ;)
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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby fantasia » Mar 02, 2014 12:08 pm

Oh, I forgot to mention Evan also likes the first half of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. But once you get past the pokey hole pages, he's done. Who cares about fat caterpillars who turn into beautiful butterflies? :P

So now that Evan's got the walking thing down pretty good, his newest favoritest thing is carrying stuff. So now he's rearranging my house. I found my jacket stuffed behind the chair in our living room a couple days ago. :P
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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby johobbit » Mar 18, 2014 12:17 pm

*loves hearing the stories in this thread*

Dr. Seuss makes wonderful reading for kidlets, indeed, along with many of P.D. Eastman's books. I remember a certain relative on my hubby's side almost mocked the Seuss stories, saying they were "ridiculous" /:) ; I think they're rather brilliant. And the illustrations, love 'em! Our kids would always sit enthralled when a Dr. Seuss book was pulled out.
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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby wild rose » Apr 15, 2014 5:49 am

Recently I was doing an egg painting project with my niece and began telling her about Easter and how we celebrate Jesus's resurrection. I told her the story of how Jesus died and rose again to set us free. When I finished she looked at me with her huge brown eyes and whispered, "Jesus died."
I was like 'Yes, He died but then he rose from the dead." She shook her head and said, "no, He died." We went back and forth for a while, and at last she stopped to think about it all (at 3 and 1/2, she's a great thinker and analyzer of just about everything). We kept on painting the eggs and putting stickers on them. Amidst all the flower stickers, there was a sticker with a big HV on it (only it was in Russian, so it looked like XB). Alyona pointed to that and said, "that's not a flower." I told her that it was the letters H and V and it stood for Christ is Risen (Hristos Vockress in Russian). Then I explained that it is custom to put those initials on Easter eggs and other Easter products. She finished my sentence for me by saying "because Jesus rose from the dead."

Speaking of my niece and Easter, last year when she was 2 years old, she made up this song she loved to sing on the top of her lungs while in the park. It went something like "Jesus dieeeeeeed, but then He rose aaaagaaaain!!!!" it was really something to hear her sing (and watch all the people staring at her in the park ;)) )
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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby aly83 » Apr 22, 2014 6:20 am

Wow I haven't been on this forum for years! It's so nice to see familiar names here :)
My username used to be pazzaxdio but I doubt anyone would remember hehe. Anyway in the last 4 years I've had 2 kids. Joshua is 4 and Sofia is 2 and baby 3 is due in November.

Joshua recently got into Narnia (even though I've been reading it on and off to him since he was 2) and I'm so excited about it. We watched The Voyage of the Dawn Treader together over Easter and surprisingly he wasn't scared but he did ask questions every minute throughout the entire film.

Other than that my kids absolutely love Peppa Pig and Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom. They love to eat vegetables (yay!!!) and spend most of the day making a mess..or maybe I should say they spend most of day pretending to be pirates, superheroes or knights, playing, building or crafting.
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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby fantasia » Apr 22, 2014 8:45 am

Welcome back to the site aly! I do recognize your old username, but I admit I don't remember any details. :ymblushing: Congrats on your two kiddos and the third on the way! :D

Glad to hear your eldest is enjoying Narnia :D Did he like the VDT movie? My Evan is still a little too small to appreciate Narnia, but as soon as he's old enough, you can bet I'll be reading those books to him. ;)) Can't wait!
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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby johobbit » Apr 22, 2014 2:48 pm

wild rose, those sure are special stories about your niece!

Welcome back, aly! I think I remember your old username *scratches head*, but I wonder if you were on your way out as I was arriving (Feb. 2007)?? It's great to see you poke your head in again. Cool about your kids (and the third 'in the oven!), and extra-cool that Joshua likes Narnia! It sounds like they have great imaginations. :D

I have such fond memories of reading our children the Narnia books (more than once, of course) when they were young. As well as The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. On summer evenings we would sit around outside and read until I couldn't see the words anymore. ;)) "Just one more chapter, Mom? Pleeeeaaase?" :D Even when our kids were teens, we would periodically read aloud chapters from the Chronicles. In fact, our adult daughter today just said it would be cool to read them through again aloud together ... in publication order this time.

My parents introduced us to Narnia when we were preschoolers, so it was/is a thrill and privilege to pass on the same to our own family. And we have all found they become more precious with every read.
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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby aly83 » Apr 23, 2014 7:19 am

Thanks fantasia_kitty and johobbit!! I was here around 2008, so I remember both your names but no details too heheh. I think I do remember johobbit responding to one of my prayer requests. You were so encouraging, thank you.

Yes Joshua did enjoy the movie very much. I'm reading The Silver Chair to him now and he wants to watch it too, maybe tomorrow. I can't wait till the movie comes out!!

Aww lovely, johobbit, those are great childhood memories you have given your children! It's so lovely your daughter wants to read them together again, that's so special. And fantasia I'm sure Evan will remember them fondly too!!

One thing I am looking forward to is making them Narnian inspired costumes when they are a bit older!!
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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby fantasia » May 20, 2014 12:13 pm

Oh, I suppose I probably ought to post in here as well. ;) For those that don't already know via FB, I am expecting again. I am due on Oct 20. :D

While I'm not 100% sure of the sex of the baby yet, I'm about 90% sure. ;) But my lips are sealed until my next ultrasound where it will hopefully be confirmed.

And goodness... now my husband and I have to somehow come up with a name. :-s
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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby IloveFauns » May 20, 2014 6:11 pm

Oh that is nice Fantasia. Is it your second?

I have been the middle child for the past 13 years. I have two younger siblings and two older, but it really isn't what it is like in the movies. Now that I have left home it doesn't matter at all. Though there were times when the youngest two got picked to do stuff and the oldest two something else but I just planned something better with some of my friends.

Were/are any of you the middle child?
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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby wild rose » May 21, 2014 8:13 am

I'm a middle child :D smack dab in the middle. Three older and two younger. I actually never minded being the in the middle, I got along very well with my two younger sisters and we did almost everything together :)

Recent funny story with my niece.
My older sister was sitting eating sunflower seeds in the kitchen and Alyona came to join her. Pretty soon the large pile of seeds began to run low and Alyona wanted to get some more from the package, but my older sister told her it would be best to first finish the pile on the table. Alyona looked at her with wide eyes and sad "But there needs to be enough for our children!"
Me and my older sister exchanged glances and my older sister asked Alyona. "What children?"
"Our children." Alyona replied.
"Which children are 'our children'?"
Here Alyona promptly pointed to herself and rubbed her chest for emphasis. My older sister and I burst out laughing and we let her get more seeds from the package ;))
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Re: Kids will be Kids

Postby parableproductions » May 21, 2014 4:37 pm

Like several others here, I don't have any children myself. It works out well though, since I've never gotten married either.

But, I have 8 nieces & nephews, 10 great nieces & nephews and any day now will have a great-great niece. (I have to remind myself that it's okay - I've been an aunt since I was 9 years old)

I also used to work at a daycare. So, I've had a lot of kids in my life.

A little boy at the daycare (he wasn't quite 2 years old) was very enamored with basketball. That's about all he would talk about. One day at snack time, he looked at me and said (again) "See the basketball." I said, "No, I don't see it. Where's the basketball?" He said, "See Grandma?" I said, "No, where's Grandma?" He replied with, "In the middle playing basketball!" Of course, when his mom came to pick him up, I had to tell her the crazy thing he said. She started laughing and informed me that Grandma was on a senior citizen basketball team. They had played the night before and she took her grandson with her. And what position did Grandma play?? Center. The kid knew exactly what he was talking about. I was just too stupid to understand. :p
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