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Future Movies Take 1

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Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby fantasia » Jul 31, 2014 6:37 pm

So I miiiiight possssssibly be interested in the upcoming Into the Woods movie. I used to know the story of the play way back in the day (but isn't the play somewhat inappropriate?). This movie looks like it could be kind of fun. I don't remember the story much at all other than it meshes a bunch of fairy tales together. The only real concern I have is that it piggy backs on the success of Once Upon a Time, but it doesn't cross over into our world, so it might be ok.

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Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » Jul 31, 2014 9:46 pm

I might be interested in seeing Into the Woods as well, FK. (Though, like you, I've heard mention that the play is rather inappropriate in bits and have wondered how the House of Mouse will deal with that.) I like the look of the movie and the trailer is intriguing. Still, it's rather interesting to me that they would make a film that has a Cinderella character in it and some sort of Jack and the Giant Beanstalk plot as well, considering that they'll be releasing a live action version of Cinderella next year (ooh, shiny) and an animated version of Jack and the Giant Beanstalk the year after that.

In other news, I saw the trailer for Big Hero 6 the other day. Not sure what to think just yet, but I am such a huge fan of The Incredibles (and am eagerly anticipating the sequel), so this definitely piques my interest. It certainly helps ease the wait for The Incredibles 2, at any rate.

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Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby shastastwin » Aug 01, 2014 9:03 am

FK wrote:[B]ut isn't the play somewhat inappropriate?

Yeah... there's been a lot of discussion about how Disney's going to address those bits without alienating their usual audience. I think they are toning down those elements, but not entirely excising them. There's a scene of adultery between two characters, which is supposed to be in the film. Red Riding Hood's encounter with the wolf is usually understood to be somewhat sexual, but I think that's the most likely to be toned down.

I'm excited for the film because the music is fantastic, but I don't think I'm quite as much a fan of the play as I am of Sweeney Todd, which also features a soundtrack by Stephen Sondheim. Into the Woods is a lot more depressing and not quite as poignant, given Todd's themes of revenge and such. Also, Sondheim has written a new song or two for the film, which makes me happy. :D The actors that I recognize from the film seem pretty well matched to their characters, particularly Meryl Streep as the witch. I wish they'd have given us more of a look at Johnny Depp's Wolf.
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Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby 220chrisTian » Aug 13, 2014 12:34 pm

I have no thoughts on Into the Woods, other than the fact that I LOVED the stage adaptation I saw in the early 90s on PBS. :)

I read Lois Lowry’s The Giver (1993) this week. The film, starring Jeff Bridges and Meryl Streep, opens in theaters on Friday. [I took the character quiz on Facebook and got Jonas. :) ] I rarely watch films in theaters; I don’t have the extra cash. So I wait for DVDs to show up at the library. I still saw The Giver trailer, and I was really disappointed. It reminded me of Dawn Treader! The book is lyrical and has little conflict, but the film is filled with it. Likewise, The Giver has mostly internal conflict; Jonas’ world doesn’t feel like a dystopia until he meets the Giver. Yet dystopia pervades the trailer, which is filled with external conflict. I didn’t like the changes in Streep’s character either. Her role in the novel was not threatening. So I don’t think I’ll watch this film, even on DVD. I wish a British producer had adapted Lowry’s novel. Americans often focus on action, to the detriment of character and atmosphere. :(

Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby johobbit » Oct 17, 2014 8:19 am

A book that is one of my (many :ymsmug: ) favourites in the biographical genre has been adapted to the big screen, Unbroken, the story of Olympic runner, Louis Zamperini, and survivor of not only 47 days on a lift raft in the Pacific Ocean, but also a brutal Japanese POW camp in WWII. It is releasing on Christmas Day, and the trailer came out today. :D (If you have not read the book, DO SO!!! :D)

*Article (I couldn't get the trailer to work on here, hence the separate link below for the IMDB "Watch Trailer" button)

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Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby wolfloversk » Nov 17, 2014 6:50 pm

I am insanely excited!!! (I figured it'd be ok to bump this thread. I hope I'm right, but please fix, mods, if I'm not)

Most of you guys know I've been pushing for a decent Jurassic Park 4 movie for a while... and it's finally happening!!!! There's a teaser in ten days. And AstroWolfD showed me this today:

*this link contains spoilers*

I thought this was brilliant. It basically explains what happened to the park in the past 20 years and how it ended up running again. And the history of the company that acquired it.

I was nervous about the incluion of this "D-rex" after some leaked rumours a few years ago, but it actually sounds encouraging at this point. I really hope they build on the raptors intelligence/pack structure from the previous films. Also hoping to see the return of favorites like T-Rex, Spinosaurous and the like. Maybe they'll have aquatic reptiles (there's news about an image in the coding for the site above though it can't be accessed without getting the code, but it's essentially a mosasaur enclosure.).

:ymparty: :ymparty: :ymparty: I am thrilled. I just have to somehow wait ten days for any footage :P

P.S. they have those smartphone barcode things on the eggs.... that's almost scary.... maybe for id purposes? @-) :-o
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Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby fantasia » Nov 30, 2014 1:06 pm

So, I'm not gonna lie, I watched the Star Wars teaser trailer that came out a few days ago and my reaction was "People were excited over this? /:) " :P ;))
Maybe when we get an actual trailer and I see some storyline I'll be interested but this looks like more of the same "pewpew spaceships shooting stuff" type movie. :P

Now that Pan movie actually looks interesting. Definitely a twist from the typical Peter Pan story that everybody knows, but in this case, I think that's a good thing.
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Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby Gymfan15 » Nov 30, 2014 8:54 pm

^^ I think the SW trailer was supposed to get people excited in that, "I can't believe I'm sitting in a theater listening to that theme music again!!!" type of way.

It looks cool. Very JJ Abrams, which I have no reason to doubt will be bad, as long as he tones down the lense flair, lol.
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Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby stargazer » Jan 19, 2015 10:09 pm

I couldn't help noticing that most of the trailers in front of the latest Hobbit movie were either remakes or continuations of franchises. For example (trailer-level spoilers ahead):

Jurassic World: Scientists engineer an intelligent dinosaur. With the history the park has had I'm not sure this is such a good idea. ;))
Mad Max: Fury Road: Lots of things crashing and blowing up, but no Mel Gibson. ;)
Chappie: This one hints of both Robocop and Short Circuit but may be something entirely different.
Terminator: Genesys: I admit this one intrigues me. Once again it centers around a terminator trying to change the past around Sarah Connor but the tag line is that the rules are reset (I've thought that this is an interesting plot, but once you introduce time travel to change the past, why not just keep doing it till you get the desired result?) Arnold appears and deliver his famous "I'll be back" once more.
San Andreas: Not precisely a remake or franchise, but it's another California earthquake disaster movie. LA gets destroyed in 3D this time. I confess that I do enjoy watching the occasional disaster movie so I may catch this in a matinee.
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Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby 220chrisTian » Mar 24, 2015 12:08 pm


Plot: Tony and Elizabeth Jordan have it all—great jobs, a beautiful daughter, and their dream house. But appearances can be deceiving. Tony and Elizabeth Jordan’s world is actually crumbling under the strain of a failing marriage. While Tony basks in his professional success and flirts with temptation, Elizabeth resigns herself to increasing bitterness. But their lives take an unexpected turn when Elizabeth meets her newest client, Miss Clara, and is challenged to establish a “war room” and a battle plan of prayer for her family. As Elizabeth tries to fight for her family, Tony’s hidden struggles come to light. Tony must decide if he will make amends to his family and prove Miss Clara’s wisdom that victories don’t come by accident.
Producers: Affirm Films, Kendrick Brothers Productions
Cast: Ben Davies, Alex Kendrick, Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, T. C. Stallings
Release date: August 28, 2015

[I wrote an editorial about this film (prayer) on my arts and culture blog.]


Plot: A British East India Trading Company assassin seeks to redeem his past by thwarting a plot against a young nation's hope for freedom.
Producer: Burns Family Studios
Cast: Andrew Cheney, John Rhys-Davies
Release date: April 6, 2015

Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby 220chrisTian » Apr 02, 2015 10:44 am

Tomorrow in select theaters ... David and Goliath (2015)!


Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby 220chrisTian » Apr 06, 2015 11:50 am

More recommendations for films in theaters this month, from my blog: Little Boy (2015), The Water Diviner (2014), Woman in Gold (2015)!

Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby fantasia » Apr 21, 2015 11:57 am

Lots of superhero trailers out recently. Oh and some little movie trailer with a Star Wars heading in the title. :P Although, out of all the action popcorn flick type movies, about the only one I'm kind of interested in is The Avengers 2. I didn't care for the first Avengers at all, but the sequel looks kind of intriguing.

I'm joining the ranks of those looking forward to the next Pixar movie, Inside Out. Looks nice and creative and funny and poignant all at the same time.
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Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby ValiantArcher » Apr 28, 2015 7:02 pm

fk wrote:Although, out of all the action popcorn flick type movies, about the only one I'm kind of interested in is The Avengers 2. I didn't care for the first Avengers at all, but the sequel looks kind of intriguing.
;)) Funny, the more I hear about Age of Ultron the less I'm looking forward to it. But if it's leading up to the Civil War (from what I know of it), it's almost certain to be a bit of a downer, so...
But I'm definitely looking forward to Inside Out. :D

When does SW come out? :)
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Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby fantasia » Apr 29, 2015 6:30 am

You're probably right Valia. And I don't think I'll see Age of Ultron in the theaters anyways. I'm kind of burned out on movies in general. I still see a small handful here and there that I like, but they are few and far between.
Big Hero 6 is next on my Netflix list. I am definitely looking forward to that one.
Star Wars comes out this December I believe. Not sure what the date is. It'll probably fill in for all of those Middle Earth movies that aren't being made anymore.
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Re: Future Movies Take 1

Postby 220chrisTian » May 07, 2015 12:00 pm

I'm not a superhero/science-fiction/fantasy person (exception: Narnia). I prefer historical and literary dramas. Here are my recommendations for May films (theaters/DVD). I would love to see Far From Men (Albert Camus) and Noble. I plan to see Polycarp: Destroyer of Gods this weekend too. :)

https://artsandculturereviews.wordpress ... rs-in-may/


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