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Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby Shadowlander » Apr 03, 2012 2:28 am

Pleiades are my favorite night sky object :D. You don't need a super expensive telescope to see them in all their glory, either. A cheap pair of binoculars will do the trick quite nicely :)

I found this article on MSN this morning. Apparently after a noted US astronomer (the article doesn't say if it's stargazer :P) complained to director James Cameron about the stars that heroine Kate Winslet sees in the movie Titanic, he's decided to go back and change that scene to reflect what the night sky should look like. Very short article...almost a blurb. ;))
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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby stargazer » Apr 03, 2012 10:36 am

;)) , Shadowlander. While I like seeing starfields in movies and TV shows, and enjoy trying to identify what's in them, I'm not disappointed if they're inaccurate. Artistic license and all that. (In fact, I remember hearing at the time that the Titanic starfield actually included a representation of that jewel that caused all the trouble for Rose and Jack).

Still, Sky and Telescope magazine has published the occasional article about the real event, including one this month for the centennial about the possible role the Moon played in it (one of the surviving crewmembers pointed out at the time that "There was no moon" - if there had been, they may have seen the iceberg in time to steer clear). And a number of years ago they included a discussion of the sky at the time.

And the Pleiades are in the spotlight this week (especially tonight and tomorrow night), as bright Venus passes right through the cluster. Use binoculars; the planet is so bright it'll blot out the dimmer cluster.

(It appears I may not see this crossing; the Seattle weather is living up to its reputation of clouds and rain).

EDIT: I was rather surprised when the overcast cleared shortly after sunset. It was a beautiful evening, with a big bright Moon below Mars and Venus lighting up the west. As expected, it just about drowned out the much fainter cluster, but at 7x35, it was a glorious sight - something like this. A blazing star set among the diamonds of the Pleiades. Beautiful indeed!
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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby fantasia » Apr 05, 2012 5:43 am

I was reading an article this morning about spotting Mercury in the early morning hours. It looks like it's going to be especially visible for the people in the Southern Hemisphere, but I think the rest of us in the Northern Hemisphere will get a chance to see it too. :) ... 03300.html

I didn't get a chance to see Venus hanging out with the Pleiades. It's been cloudy and raining the past few nights. (And even if it hadn't been I'm not sure I could have seen it in town anyways.)
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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby johobbit » Apr 05, 2012 7:27 am

I'm far belated in this, but, Mother-Music, your astronomy project was amazing: so creative, clear, and interesting-looking, filled with info. Thanks for taking the time to post the photos. I hope you received one grand mark on that! :D

Thanks for posting that Variable Star link, stargazer. I don't know much about these, and wish to learn more.

M-M, I hope you can see an Iridium flare at some point. I find them fascinating, and if there is one, particularly if it's brighter (-7 or -8, although I find -5 on a clear night is a very good showing), I look forward to the view all day long. :D

We have a -8 coming up on Sunday evening, but it's supposed to rain that day, after a stretch of four clear nights. Wouldn't you know it ...

wolf wrote:Well now that I've figured out the star chart is suppossed to be viewed as though you are looking up at it... and not down on it like a map, I'm ready for star gazing.

Yay, wolf! I know, a star chart takes a bit of getting used to. ;)) Glad you're getting some use from it (it's a wonderful resource), and are enjoying the night sky even more.

When clouds haven't covered the sky, I have so enjoyed watching Venus and Jupiter wend their ways through the night sky. I wasn't able to see Venus in the middle of the Pleiades because of cloud-cover, but last night cleared up, so caught the brilliant planet shining at the handle's end of the star cluster. Lovely.

stargazer, your description is so evocative, I just have to quote it hear again:

I was rather surprised when the overcast cleared shortly after sunset. It was a beautiful evening, with a big bright Moon below Mars and Venus lighting up the west. As expected, it just about drowned out the much fainter cluster, but at 7x35, it was a glorious sight - something like this. A blazing star set among the diamonds of the Pleiades. Beautiful indeed!

Cool about Mercury, fantasia. I caught a glimpse of it low in the west earlier in March. I had forgotten how ruddy it was. This planet is not able to be seen from our home, as too many trees are in the way, but I made my way over to one of the local schoolyards just after sunset, and enjoyed the view there. Venus and Jupiter were high above it, so it was quite the sight! Thanks for the link, fk.
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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby stargazer » Apr 14, 2012 10:03 am

Good luck spotting Mercury, fantasia_kitty! In this upcoming apparition it'll rise during twilight but if you have a good horizon to the east/northeast you should have a good shot at it.

I've been fortunate to have several very good ISS and Iridium viewing opportunities in the past week, but my area's entering another dry spell for them.

It was 100 years ago this evening that the Titanic's fateful voyage ended, and it continues to capture the imagination of many. Sky and Telescope magazine has over the years published a number of articles on the astronomical aspects of the event, including survivor accounts of how spectacular the sky was:

As passenger Lawrence Beesley would later recount in Loss of the SS Titanic, "The night was one of the most beautiful I have ever seen: the sky without a single cloud to mar the perfect brilliance of the stars..."

Surviving crew also later pointed out the absence of the Moon, noting that its light might have helped them see the iceberg before it was hit.

Check out the latest article online: Titanic's Celestial Connections
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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby Mother-Music » Apr 24, 2012 10:20 am

Anybody seen this? ... 54005.html ... _chart.jpg

I tried to get a look at it last night, but got up too early, then went back to bed to wait until the seeing was better--and failed to get up again. :ymblushing: i-)

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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby stargazer » Apr 24, 2012 6:34 pm

Thanks for mentioning this, M-M. I'd noticed it just the other evening but have had too many clouds around for a viewing.

(Your comment that you'd gone back to bed and not gotten up again to see it reminded me of Leslie Peltier's similar experience with the variable star T Coronae Borealis (Chapter 23 in Starlight Nights - he watched over it thousands of nights, but the one night he 'nodded at his post' was the night it stirred to life.)

I may try to get up one of these mornings - if these persistent night clouds ever go away - to look for it.

Yesterday was a spectacular day weather-wise; I visited a nearby state park for a campfire and stargazing session (the night was partly cloudy). In addition to a -8 Iridium flare and a respectable ISS pass (compromised by clouds), I spotted a greenish glow low in the north, even through the Twin Cities' light glare. News reports helped me confirm that this was indeed a display of Northern Lights - modest, to be sure, but still nice to see.

Venus is as high and bright in the evening sky as it ever gets for Northern Hemisphere viewers - but in little more than a month it will have plunged out of the sky to cross the sun for the last time until 2117. Local observatories and astronomy clubs will likely plan public viewing options.
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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby Puddleglum » Apr 24, 2012 8:01 pm

Had a fair view of Venus last night, with the crescent, (did I spell that right?) moon. Sure, and it would be a work day in the moring. Otherwise I would have sat out and probably caught some of the northern lights.
I hope to get the telescope out before the moon fills up too much. Then there is Saturn to look at as well.
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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby stargazer » May 07, 2012 3:31 pm

Were you able to get the scope out for any viewing, Puddleglum?

Speaking of the moon, did anyone catch this past weekend's "Supermoon"? No? That's okay, I didn't see it either. ;))

But this article at points out it was mostly media hype after all. The moon was only 8% bigger and 0.16 magnitude brighter than usual - a far cry from articles talking about the 'huge' moon. (Those variations would only be noticeable to careful moonwatchers or those using measuring tools).

To my surprise, even the Weather Channel showed stock photos of a huge moon and said it would be 30% brighter - far more than the actual change.

Other highlights for May:

Venus is still high and bright at dusk right now but is sinking down toward the sun each day. Only 3 weeks from today, it'll set less than an hour after the sun. Enjoy it while you can!

Central North America has something of a 'dry spell' for ISS viewing in May - it just doesn't come over at the right time for nighttime viewing. But June will bring lots and lots of opportunities.
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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby fantasia » May 07, 2012 3:33 pm

stargazer wrote:Speaking of the moon, did anyone catch this past weekend's "Supermoon"? No? That's okay, I didn't see it either. ;))

Sort of. It was very yellow but not ridiculously huge. Sadly we have trees to the east of our house so I can't see it right on the horizon.
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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby Aslanisthebest » May 07, 2012 11:25 pm

I did see the Supermoon when it was fairly early in the sky! I was surprised I saw it, because I was not aware of its presence. I often mistake the Burger King sign for the moon when riding in the car :ymblushing: and thought I might be seeing some sign in the back, but no, to my surprise. It was very red/orange and huge. I wish I could've gotten a picture, but I suppose I'll have to hope that it'll stay in my mind's eye forever.
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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby Ithilwen » May 07, 2012 11:33 pm

Aslanisthebest wrote:I wish I could've gotten a picture, but I suppose I'll have to hope that it'll stay in my mind's eye forever.

Or just wait till next year. ;)

I saw the supermoon last night, but it didn't look all that super from where I was. ;)) It looked normal size, but let off more light than usual. It was very white.

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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby stargazer » May 08, 2012 1:31 pm

Aslanisthebest wrote:...I often mistake the Burger King sign for the moon when riding in the car :ymblushing: ...

You're not alone in doing that! :) More than once, especially when driving at night in unfamiliar places or when I know the moon is about to rise, I've mistaken a lit Burger King sign for my true quarry. ;))

The next few days are supposed to be clear here, so I'm going to try my hand once again at spotting Venus in broad daylight. The moon isn't nearby (when it is, it makes a convenient guidepost), but with Venus rapidly sinking out of the evening sky there's only a couple weeks left to try this.
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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby stargazer » May 16, 2012 11:49 am

The upcoming transit of Venus is a rare enough event that I'm going to bump this up. Less than three weeks from today, its little black dot will cross the sun for the last time until December 2117.

But don't look directly at the sun! Depending on where you live, local observatories or astronomy clubs may be sponsoring public viewing opportunities or open houses. You'll be able to see it safely and enjoy the experience with other observers.

Sky and Telescope's latest info on the event can be found here:

Transit of Venus

That's not all: this upcoming Sunday features an 'annular' solar eclipse (the moon doesn't quite cover the sun, leaving a ring of sun visible). China, the Pacific, and the western US are favored for the annular view, but much more of the world will have a partial solar eclipse (More details).

Alas, rain is in the forecast here.
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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby starkat » May 18, 2012 8:59 am

According to a local photography business, Houston is actually in the narrow belt that will get to see the full eclipse.

Texas is luckily in a narrow belt that will be able to view the full eclipse! Right at sunset too...
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Re: Astronomy: Adventures in Stargazing

Postby Ithilwen » May 19, 2012 9:58 pm

stargazer wrote:The upcoming transit of Venus is a rare enough event that I'm going to bump this up. Less than three weeks from today, its little black dot will cross the sun for the last time until December 2117.

What is the exact date of this transit?

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