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Re: Hobbies

Postby Puddleglum » Apr 21, 2012 9:44 pm

After spending too much time tripping over, bendinding over, and moving too many things in the shop I have come to the enevitable conclusion that I have once again allowed too many projects to pile up undone X(
Note to self, and advice to anyone thinking of taking up a hobby,
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Re: Hobbies

Postby Lady Lilliandil » Apr 22, 2012 1:29 pm

lets see.... my Hobbies include but are not limited too....

- Reading my Bible
- Reading historical Fiction ( I have not done this in a while due to a "lovely" subject called Biology)
- Calling my Best Friend and talking and laughing for hours!
- listening to music
- Playing the guitar
- laughing!!!!
- baking
- messing with plants and flowers
- going to farmers markets
- sewing up the wazoo!
- fixing problems
- being silly
- eating pudding! :D
- walking around my Best friend's neighborhood
- reading a book to said friends little brothers while her older brother yells at them to sit down :p
- daydreaming :ymdaydream: about said older brother :ymblushing: ( hehe yeah, you never heard that [-x )

.... and that concludes my mega list of hobbies :)
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Re: Hobbies

Postby King_Erlian » Apr 24, 2012 5:33 am

In no particular order...

Singing in Gilbert & Sullivan operas (patter songs a speciality)
Playing guitar, bass guitar, drums, and learning to play the piano
Blacksmithing (ornamental ironwork, not shoeing horses)
Going to a Quaker group on a Sunday morning
Horse-riding (best holiday ever was staying at a dude ranch in Colorado last year)
Going on holiday (Ireland this year)
Going for long walks (though not been able to do much of that lately, been too ill)
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Re: Hobbies

Postby Ithilwen » May 14, 2012 3:14 pm

Being on here (of course).
Playing Mousehunt.
Watching Doctor Who.
Critiquing things.
Taking walks.
Collecting (lately, Marvel comics have piqued my interest. ;) ).
Rearranging things, as odd as that sounds. ;))
Spending time with friends.


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Re: Hobbies

Postby Puddleglum » May 25, 2013 9:13 pm

Just getting into a magazine a friend is loaning me on primitive archery. There is a lengthy article on making bowstring, what the different peoples used, and how they made individual knots, etc. I have been practicing making string out of plant fibers, also known as cordage so it has proven very interesting reading.
Finished my possible bag for rendezvous, and will just add any decorative touches if I feel the inspiration. Meantime I hope to get busy with a belt bag. This will be my "man's purse" as some would call it at the encampment. There is plenty of heavy leather, I just need to make sure of the design before any cutting. Can't put back what's been taken off.
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Re: Hobbies

Postby IloveFauns » May 26, 2013 4:40 pm

Watching well um.... eccentric comedy tv series.
Going to stand up comedy shows.
Playing adventure games.
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Re: Hobbies

Postby Fay_River » May 26, 2013 9:17 pm

Hmm, I'm sure my life is interesting somehow =P

Well, I ride/train my horse, Lady Zara and train my miniature horse Milly. They're so much fun ^_^
I also do archery, photography, make videos with friends, read, and...I'm sure there's more. XD I'll probably think of something else later.
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Re: Hobbies

Postby De_De » Jul 10, 2013 2:46 pm

As most of you know, I do archery (hey Fay_River, you do archery too!!! YAY! what kind traditional or competative?), and recently I ordered myself a bow and it finally came (well some time ago, but I only had time to shoot from it recently). It is really awesome. It is a reconstruction of a 13th century Hungarian bow (which goes for Russia, since that is what I am reenacting). It is wooden with linen dippen in fiberglass insteaad of animal ligaments to keep the two shoulders of the bow together. And the final touch are bull horns on the ends! AAAAAAA I am soooo crazy about it. It will take some time getting used to (and I already broke a couple of arrows :ymblushing: ), but I hope to start going to competitions soon. And here is a picture of my bow :D
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