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MotW: Princess Anna

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Re: MotW: Princess Anna

Postby Narnian_Badger » Mar 23, 2013 11:18 am

1. Are you always so indecisive? ;))
2. If you had a chocolate box filled with only one type of candy, what type would it be (e.g., chocolate buttercream, truffles, almond filled, etc.)?
3. What's one unusual language you'd like to learn?
4. What's the first show you can remember loving?
5. Three legged stools or four legged stools?
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Re: MotW: Princess Anna

Postby wolfloversk » Mar 23, 2013 6:29 pm

1) Mac or PC?

2) Favorite internet browser?

3) Favorite website(s)?

4) Country or City?

5) favorite color of wolf? :P

Sorry if I repeat anything that someone else said... if so just ignore :P
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Re: MotW: Princess Anna

Postby Alyosha » Mar 23, 2013 9:47 pm

Andrea! What fun! :ymdevil:

What's one (or more) of your current favourite songs? Saying "Anything by Breath of Soul" is not allowed. ;)
How do you feel about being an introvert?
What's one (or more) issue or topic that you really, deeply care about?
What's one (or more) of your favourite quotes?
In what way does God most often communicate with you?

I tried to tiptoe around those troublesome "favourite" questions. I tried!

We haven't talked in forever, which is sad. But I think you're pretty great. ;)
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Re: MotW: Princess Anna

Postby Shadowlander » Mar 24, 2013 2:49 pm

Ok, so you work in Engineering on the Enterprise. Can you reliably repeat the following sentence with a straight face?

"Captain, the warp core is malfunctioning and containment is down to 35%. I'm going to try to flood the dilithium crystal chamber with inverse tachyon beams and hope that makes the warp nacelles vent enough hydrogen to emit a cromoton pulse and stabilize the reactor!"

Well? How'd you do? ;))
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Re: MotW: Princess Anna

Postby Princess Anna » Mar 25, 2013 2:14 pm

And now I have to catch up again! Nice going, guys. :))

Narnian_Badger wrote:1. Are you always so indecisive? ;))

For the most part, yes. ;))

I mean, there have always been things I've been VERY decisive about. (though at the moment, I can't think of them 8-| ) But on average, if you wanted to ask me what my fave thing was... or what restaurant (sp?) I wanted to go to... yeah. You'd see me stuttering a lot. (and going "Umm...." or "Uhhh....")

The mentioned food run thing? It drives my friends nuts... "So, Andrea, where do you want to go?" "I don't know... I just want food." "Yeah, but what type of food?" "I don't care... JUST GET ME FOOD!" "Look, this was your idea, Shorty. So, you pick." "I can't!" =))

2. If you had a chocolate box filled with only one type of candy, what type would it be (e.g., chocolate buttercream, truffles, almond filled, etc.)?

uhhh... I don't have boxes of chocolate often enough to know how to properly answer this one. :p

3. What's one unusual language you'd like to learn?

Depends on your definition of "unusual". ;)
Does Hebrew, Greek, or Latin count?

4. What's the first show you can remember loving?

Wouldn't this require me sifting through the shows I remember from childhood, and looking up when they all first aired? Heck, there are shows my parents say I watched with them, but don't remember... or barely do. (I know the shows now, cause I watch them now. But back then?)

Since I can't say that... how about I say this:
1) Apparently (I don't recall this), I named one of my first baby dolls Michael... after Michael Knight from Knight Rider.
2) I started watching Star Trek: TNG when it first aired... I would have been almost four. (that is, if the show really started in sept)

Other than that, I have no idea how to answer you... without spending hours remembering, researching, and taking notes. ;))

5. Three legged stools or four legged stools?

probably four legged... they're more sturdy. Clumsy me is less likely to fall. ;)

wolfy wrote:1) Mac or PC?

This may be influenced by the fact that I grew up with one, and didn't try the other til the computer lab at college (that I can recall). But, PC. Truth be told, I never got totally used to using the Mac computers at school. ;))

2) Favorite internet browser?

What, like IE, Firefox, and all those? (I sometimes forget what browsers are :ymblushing: ) I probably wouldn't mind any of them... school had Safari. But what I'm most used to is IE. Does that count? (I use Firefox for Pottermore, though)

3) Favorite website(s)?


Though I also like several others. (such as photobucket, for example. And Storytellers and FamTeam)

4) Country or City?

-It's quieter and you can own horsies!

I have nothing against cities... I like the museums, and theatre opportunites, and stuff. But it's too crowded and noisy for my sensitive sensory system to deal with. Fun to visit... not so fun to stay in more permanently. ;)

Truth be told, I like being in places like where I live now... small towns. (that are near a big city) You get the more country feel, but are still near enough to the city that you can go to the zoo, ballpark, theatres, museums, and other places if you wanted to.

5) favorite color of wolf? :p

There's different colours?! I probably knew that, but I don't think about it much. I don't know? /:)

Be back in a minute with more!
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Re: MotW: Princess Anna

Postby Princess Anna » Mar 25, 2013 3:15 pm

I've missed you and our talks too!! We must fix this! (you're pretty great yourself! ;) ) Thanks for trying to tiptoe around the "favourite" questions! I liked reading the stuff you asked! Now, let's see if I can do them justice...

What's one (or more) of your current favourite songs? Saying "Anything by Breath of Soul" is not allowed. ;)

=)) :p

BOS: Fix You, Fix Me
-One of their originals. I love the covers, but it's fun to hear stuff the guys write. And this one just... I like the feeling it gives me, and the harmonies and blend of their voices.

Royal Tailor: Hold Me Together
Katharine McPhee: My Destiny
and At the Beginning from the Anastasia soundtrack...
-Usually when I'm bored, or trying to pass time, I catch myself singing these three. No idea why... just do. ;))

Oh, and recently I've loved listening to covers done by a group called Midnight Red. (don't care so much for their original songs. but the covers... WOW) If anyone is interested, I can pm you about which ones to look up. ;)

And this is probably just the tip of the iceberg! I mean, what about my fave songs to sing at church choir practice? But, I figured I should keep this list short. :P

How do you feel about being an introvert?

I don't know... it's not like I've ever been an extrovert (though I'd say I'm an extroverted introvert. translation: I'm on the end of the introvert spectrum that is closer to being an extrovert, without crossing the line). Don't really know anything different. ;))

I guess I don't mind it. :) It can be a little annoying at times, though. Like when I'm at a family gathering, and after a time, need to go in an empty room for awhile just to be able to focus and unwind, so I can go back into the craziness later.

What's one (or more) issue or topic that you really, deeply care about?

Probably finding a cure for cancer, so other families don't have to go through what mine has gone through. (we have lost a few... my uncle, my grandma. and have had survivors too. and, my step-grandma has it right now)

I'm sure there are other issues, topics, and causes too. I just can't think of them at the moment. :ymblushing:

What's one (or more) of your favourite quotes?

"Do you think I'm weird?"
"No man, seriously. Am I weird?"
"Yeah, but so what? Everybody's weird."
-Gordie and Chris (Stand by Me)

I'm not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information. -Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes)

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzky

Add to that Lewis and Chesterton quotes. Plus other lines from film, tv, and books. I really like way too many quotes. You can tell I'm a writer... can't you? =))

In what way does God most often communicate with you?

I'd say... through other people.

I can sense His love, through theirs. And I love how he can use them to make us think, learn, and grow. I guess it's kinda why I like Les Mis. God used the Bishop to reach Jean Valjean... and he in turn was able to help Fantine, Cosette, Marius, and probably lots of others. Remarkable story, that. :)

SL wrote:Well? How'd you do? ;))

The first time through, I kept a straight face. But the more times I said it (for fun), the harder it became to not grin and giggle. :p
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Re: MotW: Princess Anna

Postby wolfloversk » Mar 26, 2013 11:55 am

Princess Anna wrote:
The mentioned food run thing? It drives my friends nuts... "So, Andrea, where do you want to go?" "I don't know... I just want food." "Yeah, but what type of food?" "I don't care... JUST GET ME FOOD!" "Look, this was your idea, Shorty. So, you pick." "I can't!" =))

I feel your pain... asking me what restaurant I want to go to is like asking which is better- red-violet or violet-red... I have no clue XD Does my family understand this? No, of course not!


1) Did you know that rabbits have different breeds such as cats/dogs? If so, which is your favorite?

2) Favorite Genre(s) of books :P

3) Um.... which is harder answering a bunch of MotW questions, or figuring out what questions to ask other mods? ;)

4) *thinks of really good question and forgets what it is...* *thinks harder...* *tries to remember* Yeah I'll get back to you on 4...

5) Favorite beverage? (ex milk, water, pepsi etc :P)
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Re: MotW: Princess Anna

Postby stargazer » Mar 29, 2013 12:15 pm

1. What is your dream vacation spot?
2. What is your favorite vacation spot (already visited)?
3. What is your favorite song (or two) from the Les Mis musical?
4. Favorite scene (or two) from the newest Les Mis movie?
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Re: MotW: Princess Anna

Postby Narnian_Badger » Mar 29, 2013 12:29 pm

1. Chocolate milk, strawberry milk, or other?
2. 2% milk or whole?
3. Warm milk or cold?
4. Do you fix your hot chocolate with milk or water?
5. ...How do you feel about milk? ;))
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Re: MotW: Princess Anna

Postby AslansChild » Mar 29, 2013 1:51 pm

1. 1st record/A track/cassette/CD you ever bought?
2. Top 3 songs you loved growing up.
3. Girly-girl or tomboy?
4. Go to Narnia or Middle Earth (don't shoot me!!!! :p )
5. Do you like musicals? Favorite one?
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Re: MotW: Princess Anna

Postby SnowAngel » Mar 29, 2013 7:02 pm

Princess Anna wrote:SnowAngel- Were you trying to fit in a sixth question? [-x :p
Of course I wasn't! /:)

Favorite kind of cookie dough?
Rain or snow?
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Re: MotW: Princess Anna

Postby Princess Anna » Mar 29, 2013 7:39 pm

Happy Easter weekend, everyone! :D

wolfloversk wrote:I feel your pain... asking me what restaurant I want to go to is like asking which is better- red-violet or violet-red... I have no clue XD Does my family understand this? No, of course not!

Welcome to my world, dearie! :))

1) Did you know that rabbits have different breeds such as cats/dogs? If so, which is your favorite?

I don't know if I knew that or not... if I had known, I probably forgot it. ;))

2) Favorite Genre(s) of books :P

From stargazer, on page two of this thread... and my response:
2. What is your favorite genre to read?

*will edit in, first thing tomorrow*

Easy... "almost anything". There is actually very little that I won't try at least once. It's more a question of "Was this particular book and/or series good?" Not "What do I think of the genre?" ;))

3) Um.... which is harder answering a bunch of MotW questions, or figuring out what questions to ask other mods? ;)

Probably answering questions.

That said, on the other hand, it really depends on which mod you're talking about... and what's already been asked. Some, I could interrogate for hours. Others, I'd stutter and not know what to say. 8-|

4) *thinks of really good question and forgets what it is...* *thinks harder...* *tries to remember* Yeah I'll get back to you on 4...

That's fair. I mean, I'm making you wait on other answers! ;) ;))

5) Favorite beverage? (ex milk, water, pepsi etc :P)

I like milk and water... but I don't know if I'd call them my favourites. Hmm... maybe apple juice (or cider), hot chocolate, and orange soda. I think. Who really knows? :-??

Shepherd wrote:1. What is your dream vacation spot?

I can't limit it to just one place... I want to see "everywhere I've never been". In fact, I've said that my whole life!

2. What is your favorite vacation spot (already visited)?

Camp ;)
If it didn't mean leaving my family, friends, church, and theatre groups behind, I would move there to stay. Seriously... I love it there that much. :ymblushing:

3. What is your favorite song (or two) from the Les Mis musical?

Try the whole soundtrack/show? :P

Uhh... maybe:
Who Am I
The Confrontation
Stars (including Gavroche's bit at the end)
One Day More

But don't think I'd limit it to just those. I seriously find it hard to choose. The whole show is simply gorgeous and meaningful and sad. That said, which do I replay the most? Gavroche's songs, and Valjean's solos. ;))

4. Favorite scene (or two) from the newest Les Mis movie?

Seeing as I haven't seen that film since December 29th, I should probably hold off on this question til I've seen it a second time. ;)

I have a few guesses, though. And I definitely know what part my sister liked best.

Badger wrote:1. Chocolate milk, strawberry milk, or other?

Like you need to ask? I think the answer to this one is universal... CHOCOLATE :P (remind me to tell you about chocolate milk, and one year at camp ;)) )

2. 2% milk or whole?

uhh... not sure. maybe 2%?

3. Warm milk or cold?

either. Normally I drink it cold. But when having trouble sleeping, or if having hot chocolate... then warm (or hot, as the case may be)

4. Do you fix your hot chocolate with milk or water?

milk, though I've probably made it with water before. :)

5. ...How do you feel about milk? ;))

Well, it's yummy and good for you! ;)

And I'll have to answer the rest in a bit, ok? ;)
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Re: MotW: Princess Anna

Postby Princess Anna » Apr 01, 2013 1:57 pm

*races in, and falls to the ground, gasping for air*
I managed to get away from the Joker's henchmen...
I'll try and answer as many as I can before they find me... does that work?

AslansChild wrote:1. 1st record/A track/cassette/CD you ever bought?

My guess would be an Amy Grant cassette. But I'm not really sure.

2. Top 3 songs you loved growing up.

Uhhh... not sure exactly.
One, was "Place in this World" by Michael W. Smith.

Other than that... I couldn't say. I loved (and still love) way too many, to be able to pin it down to a "top 3". :ymblushing:

3. Girly-girl or tomboy?

Tomboy, I think.
I mean, I was more on that side of it, for sure. But I had my girly moments and interests too. But yeah, I was the kid (the pastor's daughter, no less) who would...

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I think I hear them coming, I might have t-
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Re: MotW: Princess Anna

Postby Black Widow » Apr 01, 2013 2:30 pm

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Re: MotW: Princess Anna

Postby Adeona » Apr 02, 2013 1:40 pm

1. Did you get recaptured?
2. What will you title the book you'll write on your experience? (everyone writes a book after something like this, so don't try and tell me you won't! ;) )
3. Do you get motion-sickness easily?
4. Lemon Breeze or Ocean Spray?
5. Have you ever broken a bone?
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