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Funny Stories!!!

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Funny Stories!!!

Postby Narnia_Fan12 » Nov 14, 2009 4:06 pm

'cuz we all love 'em. So this thread is officially pronounced as the resting place of the most hilarious stories that you've heard lately (or ever!)

There were four American soldiers caught by the Germans in WWII and were to be shot.
German Soldier: On ze count of zhree, I will zay "Fire" and you will zhoot them. 1, 2, 3---!!!
American #1: -points behind the soldiers- AVALANCHE!
* German Soldiers turn around to look at it, while the american soldier escapes*
German Soldier: On ze count of zhree, I will zay "Fire" and you will zhoot him. 1, 2, 3---!!!
American #2: -points behind the soldiers- VOLCANO!
* German Soldiers turn around to look at it, while the american soldier escapes*
German Soldier: On ze count of zhree, I will zay "Fire" and you will zhoot him. 1, 2, 3---!!!
American #3: -points behind the soldiers- ROCKSLIDE!!!
* German Soldiers turn around to look at it, while the american soldier escapes*
German Soldier: *approaching the final soldier* On ze count of zhree, I will zay "Fire" and you will zhoot him. 1, 2, 3---!!!
American #3: -points behind the soldiers- FIRE!!!
*Germans shoot that soldier*

----So the 3 American Soldiers who escaped ran into the woods, and climbed some trees. The German soldiers approached the first soldier in the first tree, saying:
German Soldier: Who'z up Zere?
American #1: *imitating bird whistle* Tweet Tweet!
The German soldiers approached the second soldier in the second tree, saying:
German Soldier: Who'z up Zere?
American #2: *imitating parrot noises* Ca-kaw! Ca-Kaw!
The German soldiers approached the third soldier in the third tree, saying:
German Soldier: Who'z up Zere?
American #3: MOOO!!!
*Germans shoot that soldier*
So the surviving 2 American soldiers are at a cliff, and they've found two parachutes. They jump off the cliff.
American #1: MY PARACHUTE WON'T DEPLOY! *falls fast downwards*
American #2: So it's a RACE, is it?! *cuts parachute strings*

And you can guess the outcome. XD

Now share yours!!! :D
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Re: Funny Stories!!!

Postby Queen Susan » Nov 14, 2009 7:05 pm

NF12: I'm wondering if you might want to check out the topic: "Funny Stuff Blog" in the Games and Blogs section. I believe that would probably be the place to post this instead, and I guess we kind of already have a topic for this over there. :)
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Re: Funny Stories!!!

Postby johobbit » Nov 14, 2009 10:12 pm

*nods at Queen Susan* Yes, NF12, please post jokes and the like in the Funny Stuff Blog instead. Thanks! :)
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